Ask YOUR QUESTION for the next live Rise on Fire Q&A episode!

Soon we are doing the next live episode of our Questions & Answers series! I’m inviting you to submit YOUR question – anything about the Bible/faith! Your question may be featured in the next Live Q&A soon.

Follow this link to submit your question:



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2 thoughts on “Ask YOUR QUESTION for the next live Rise on Fire Q&A episode!”

  1. Robert and Anita Shellnutt

    Maybe not in this Q & A, but could you speak on/to Christians who bury their heads in the sand during these end times. Is it a spirit of fear of what is happening/coming, or have they have not been taught about faith and fully relying on God? Oppression by evil spirits? Not able to reach family / friends who are stressed by the evening news, so they just avoid the news and stressful topics. Praying for them. Should I leave them alone? Are they under a delusion?

    Been going back and hearing your broadcasts a second time. Thanks!

    1. Hello Christ has recently bought me out of the traditional Christian Church after praying for life. Good has provided several “God-send” ministries one being TLR ministries. I noticed they also teach about the church being instituted in 300ad by Constantine to a state religion.

      Could you share where you first heard it studied this information?

      Thank for you work

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