It’s time for the first Live Questions & Answers of 2023! Many of us have the same questions about the Bible, Yeshua, Father & Holy Spirit. Ask me anything, even anonymously if you prefer. Please send me your questions by visiting the link below, and your question may be featured in the upcoming Q&A’s (to be announced soon!)
3 thoughts on “Ask YOUR Question for the Upcoming Live Q&A’s!”
Thank you for your teaching on today’s easy access porn. It hit home with me, even though I believed I thought I knew the definition of porn from my other life. Thank again for reminding me of the of the dangers of F/B shorts leading me back to my old life. I thought I had them under control because I did watch with intention, making excuses for myself, that fools only myself. Thanks again PD for helping me show respect for Father & Son.
Praise God Wayne! Glad it blessed you.
Hi PD, I hope you are doing well. I’m 15 years old. A few days ago I had an encounter with two young women. They had asked me if I could spare 3 minutes of my time to listen to what they have to say. They wanted to explain to me why there isn’t only a father in heaven but a mother too. They had started off by saying that no man can bring a child into this world without a woman. So for us to be called his children there needs to be a mother too. They continued to use Galations 4:25-26 as a foundation of there being a mother in heaven. After the little presentation they had put together, they asked for my opinion. I was baptized when I turned 12 years old, and I read the bible as much as I can. Yet no one had ever asked me this question before, let alone been aware that people were making theories about it. I would like to know how you would have responded to this?
I could genuinely tell that the woman was telling me about it with love and gentleness, she wasn’t harsh or forcing her opinion onto me.
Which bible verses could I look into which proves there is only a Father in heaven? I know there is only a Father, but I want to be able to tell them, “Yes but this bible verse states that…”
Thank you for reading this far!
Have a nice day xx