It’s time for another round of Live Questions & Answers! Many of us have the same questions about the Bible, the spiritual gifts, the times we are living in, and more. Ask me anything, even anonymously if you prefer. Please send me your questions by visiting the link below, and your question may be featured in the upcoming Q&A’s (to be announced soon!)
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2 thoughts on “Ask YOUR Question for the Upcoming Live Q&A’s!”
I have always “felt” that portions of the Torah are still valid. Some clearly are not. Otherwise why was the veil of the temple torn in two? I do not have to tie a rope around my ankle when I approach God in prayer in case I mess up. For those who say none of the law matters anymore, congratulations you just threw out the ten commandments. I call this “x-acto knife Christianity.” Simply cut out what you do not personally like or understand. On eating kosher here is where I am right now. I “prefer” to eat kosher. This means I do not eat kosher because either you do or you don’t. What are “my” exceptions? Hypothetically if I am invited to someone’s house for dinner and a pork roast is the centerpiece what do I do? I eat it with a thankful heart. If seconds are offered I will graciously accept. If my host is not into leftovers and they ask me to take it home I will. I won’t be a jerk and throw it away. I will eat it. However, if you follow me around in the grocery store you will never see a prohibited meat in my cart. There is one more exception. If my host has sacrificed the meat to an idol I will not eat it even if it is lamb or any other kosher meat. Am I being accurate or am I in error?
In 1978 I was operating a successful pig farm with my father. That year we sold $50,000 worth of hogs. No joke. Then in 1979 I really yielded myself to the Holy Spirit and as I studied the scriptures I came under conviction about the sabbath, feasts and dietary laws etc. There was no way I could continue in this business but it was not an easy transition. My family was quite upset for a number of reasons. But I had to make a clean break. I had a deep freeze almost full of fresh pork because we had just recently had one butchered. It got to the point that the idea of eating pork was revolting to me. I would say that law was written on my heart.