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Women of Valor Conference 2022 (NC)

August 26, 2022 - August 28, 2022


Event Description:

Join us Aug. 26th – Aug. 28th at our annual Women of Valor gathering at Lake Junaluska Conference Center in Lake Junaluska, NC. The new moon of Elul ushers in the season of preparation as we move toward the Days of Awe. It is a time to make ready us ready as the Bride of Messiah to meet our Jewish Bridegroom, Messiah Yeshua/Jesus Christ. We will focus on our Worth and who we are Becoming as His Pearl of Great Price. You are loved and valued more than you can ever imagine.

We will host a special Erev Shabbat dinner banquet on Friday evening. Three meals on Saturday and a Sunday breakfast are all included with your Women of Valor registration ticket.

To minister the gospel in Equal Partnership and Counterbalance, we need godly men, as part of God’s Treasured People, to champion our efforts. In addition to the Women of Valor BEKY Authors: Dr. Hollisa Alewine, Jane Diffenderfer, Kisha, Gallagher, and Dr. Robin Gould, we will be joined by John Diffenderfer, Barry Miller, and David Wilber. The men will share insights about marriage, the mutual partnership between male and female image-bearers, and the economic cycles as related to the Biblical Shmita and Year of Jubilee.

This year we are honored to present a new speaker, Matthew Vander Els of Founded in Truth Fellowship, where the mission is to empower God’s people for the New Thing Abba is doing within His creation.

Other excellent additions to our teaching team are Evangelist PD Vander Westhuizen and his bride, Christina. They will share how to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit in witnessing to others during our daily lives.

Plan for a great weekend of Worship and Intimacy with the King as you enjoy the wonder of His Creation. Expect to be transformed and conformed even more closely to the image of His Son, Messiah Yeshua.

More speakers will be announced soon!

“And do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, for you to prove what is the good and well-pleasing and perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2).
“For those God foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers [and sisters]” (Rom. 8:29).

For Schedule, Accommodations, Registration or any questions about this event, please visit the event website:


August 26, 2022
August 28, 2022
Event Category:


Lake Junaluska Conference And Retreat Center
91 N Lakeshore Dr.
Waynesville, NC 28785 United States
+ Google Map

4 thoughts on “Women of Valor Conference 2022 (NC)”

  1. Shalom, I outreached to this event by email a couple of times with questions before I purchased tickets, while I did receive an auto response that someone will get back to me, I have not received a follow up response. I had wanted to bless a sister with this event and I see now the event has sold out. I thought I would check here to see if there is another manner, possibly, to contact someone about a on waiting list that we can be put on or if someone cancels, we can take their place (with payment, of course). Any information is truly appreciated.

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