Shalom brothers and sisters in Christ,
I would like to update you on some of the things happening behind the scenes at Rise on Fire.
I must confess to you something…God is truly my strength. With Father as my witness, from the beginning, I have always been content with whatever He wants to do with Rise on Fire, whether that is something big or small. I don’t care about big or small, I care about His will and what He wants. I pray to remain this way always and also for you to be more focused on His will for your life than your ideal outlook of what your “performance” for Him needs to look like. What God wants is our hearts and abilities surrendered to Him for Him to do great things in our lives.
The reason I share this is because I am so grateful for the DOORS God is opening for the ministry. I would like to shortly share some of that.
1. Nationwide Baptism Events
Years ago when I desired to get baptized, there was no one around I felt like I could go to to get baptized – and I deeply desire to never want anyone to have that problem. People are hungry for God! In the last few months, we have had many people contact us and come out to the east coast of the USA to get baptized. I saw the need for a larger event where people could attend for teaching and mass baptisms! As I write this, we are working with various event organizers around the USA to host multiple of these events in multiple states. This will allow people from all over the USA to come to one of these baptism events nearest them, so no one may be left without the opportunity!
We are finalizing dates and venues and will announce them soon. COVID will not stop freedom in Yeshua’s name! Pray for this.
2. Hebrew Nation Radio
A few months ago Hebrew Nation Radio, a popular radio network has shown interest to start airing Rise on Fire teachings. Since starting work with them months ago, last week they notified us that listeners have given great feedback – leading them to expand our air time from once a week to 3 shows a week: Mondays 4-5 pm, Thursdays 3-4 pm, Saturdays 4-5 pm.
Hebrew Nation Radio is doing wonderful work for the kingdom and air many respectable teachers. You can find out more at:
3. Various Rise on Fire Conference Events Coming Up
As the Father permits, we have various events that will be announced soon. In the coming fall feast season, I will be making appearances in Georgia, Oregon, Idaho, as well as in various online conferences such as the Lion & Lamb Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) Celebration. Details will be announced on these soon as well.
I rejoice and praise Father for each opportunity. In the scriptures, even in larger crowds, Yeshua saw individuals, and the most precious encounters He had was when He stood face to face with the Samaritan woman at the well, the blind man, or the lame at the pool of Siloam. I pray that you would seek to see the hurting individuals around you each day and reach out with grace like He did.
I’ll leave you with that for now. THANK YOU for supporting the ministry and helping make the above, every video, and so much more possible.
Glory to God and may He bless you this weekend!