Testing Christmas

Whenever we approach the Christmas season, I use to get excited. What’s not to like about presents, a Christmas tree or Santa?

Shortly after truly picking up my cross to follow God with all that I have years ago, I started developing a dislike for the holiday. Something just didn’t feel right. In the years since then, God has given me a lot of revelation regarding these festivals. And this year, He gave me a very specific word, or a “letter to His Bride” in this season to share with you.

I bring you these two videos for understanding what God thinks about these holidays. What you do with this is up to you, all I ask is that you prayerfully consider this.

It is often hard to give up things for the Father, but we know that God’s Bride will look nothing like the world – she will be set apart. So whenever we find ourselves on the side of the majority (even Christian majority), its time for an audit. When Jesus was here, everyone – including the religious circles persecuted Him. We need not expect anything different in this modern time.


Watch the  Testing Christmas Videos:



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2 thoughts on “Testing Christmas”

  1. Pingback: The scary thing about your “good” heart – Rise On Fire Ministries

  2. PD, I believe Yeshua led me to your youtube channel. I have been searching for the Truth for a long time. Here is my problem, it seems The Father never answers any of my prayers. I am a smoker and have prayed for deliverance from it, but I still smoke. I have a son in jail for crimes he never committed that happened 19 years ago, been praying for his release but still no answer. He is a believer also and both of us are trying to live as we have been commanded. We don’t know how to keep the festivals, we have no fellowship. I have been sick with my stomach and digestive track, been praying but no answer. We need help and guidance, would you help us please ? Thank you, Tamera Mason

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