The Father’s Festivals(category)
╫ From Slave To Son: Preparing For The Second Coming
After receiving the commandments from Mount Sinai, Israel desired to keep them. But they couldn’t. No matter how hard they
╫ Why Are Christians Returning To Jewish Feasts?
All over the world, there is a restoration of God’s truth happening right now. Christians are starting to keep “Jewish”
╫ Counting the Omer of the Holy Spirit
Once a year, God calls His people to count the 50 days between Passover and Pentecost. But why? He desires
╫ The Character of God: Did God Change in the New Testament? – Torah Portion: Say
How do you view God? And do you view Him the same way the disciples did 2000 years ago? Do
╫ Be A Burning Living Sacrifice – Torah Portion: After The Death
Just as how God meticulously instructed Israel specific procedures on how to and where to make their offerings, so God
╫ Truly Unleavened: Cleansing The Sin You Don’t See
I don’t know about you, but I’m more afraid of the sin in me I don’t see, than the one
╫ Passover 2019 – True Examination of the Heart
Have you ever heard of a strong Christian, who’s fire went out? Or even worse, a once ‘believer’ who fell
╫ The End Times Passover – Torah Portion: Come
The first thing God commanded Israel to ever do is to celebrate a festival as their first point of departure
╫ Halloween – Does God Care?
It’s that time of the year again. With the decorations, the celebrations of darkness, and the trick or treating from
╫ Tabernacles: The Feast of Intimacy
His desire has always been to tabernacle among us. From the journey through Egypt to the end of the age
╫ What if the trumpets blew today? – End Times Message
One of these years, this would be the day where the world hears the trumpets of Revelation sound, but what
╫ Where’s the Bride? – Shavuot 2018
Where’s the bride? It’s Shavuot in 2018 (Pentecost) and an outpouring is needed today more than ever. Many are living