Not a house of great teaching, a house of great dancing, or even a house of great miracles. But a house of prayer for all nations. Likewise, Yeshua called us to become stones making up that House of Prayer. But why is it so important and what does it practically mean?
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╫ A House of Prayer
- April 1, 2021
- Rise on Fire
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1 thought on “╫ A House of Prayer”
Yes PD and Christina, we are “Living Stones” (I cannot escape that, that’s my name – ha!). Take a look at the scriptures referring to us being built into Yah’s house, (From Wilson’s Emphatic Dialoglott containing the original Greek) I Peter 2:5 “Be you yourselves also built up, as living Stones, a spiritual House for a holy Priesthood, to offer Spiritual Sacrifices well pleasing to Eloah (G-d) through Yahusha HaMaschiach (Jesus Christ). Then drop down to verse 9 “But you are a chosen Race, a Royal Priesthood, a holy Nation, a People for a purpose; (some translations “a peculiar people” – literally, “a people for a special reservation”} that you may declare the PERFECTIONS (some translations “praises” – The Greek means “virtues,” or “powers,” or “excellencies,” a rare word in the New Testament) of HIM who CALLED You from Darkness into His WONDERFUL Light. => That “Royal Priesthood” is after the Order of Melchizedek, that is the priesthood we want to be in. Not the Levitical one. We are to be a nation of priests as Yahua (Yahweh) intended for ancient Israel, not a nation with priests (Levitical) anymore. Hebrews tells us there was a change in the priesthood, and our Great High Priest after the Order of Melchizedek is Yahusha (Jesus). Melchizedek Covenant Law is everlasting into the New Heavens and the New Earth. And prayer is certainly a “Spiritual Sacrifice”.