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╫ Counting the Omer of the Holy Spirit

Once a year, God calls His people to count the 50 days between Passover and Pentecost. But why? He desires us to be reminded each year of what the disciples counted down to while in Jerusalem: The outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Each year He desires us to conduct introspection to see whether we live a Holy Spirit-filled life, or one that lacks the fruits, boldness, and power that the Holy Spirit brings.

Paul said that he didn’t come with the wisdom of men, but rather the empowerment of the Spirit. If Paul felt like he couldn’t preach or do anything without the Spirit, we should also yearn for God’s Spirit like our life depends on it – because it does. If we desire to walk as Yeshua walked in love, power, signs and wonders, and wisdom – we will never be able to without the Holy Spirit.

Let us seek the filling of the Spirit in this season! Like a man who knocks until a door is opened, even if it means being persistent.



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