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╫ The Responsibility to Give: Is Tithing For Today?

Giving or “Tithing” today is a controversial matter. Many have been hurt in the past through prosperity teachings or betrayals and refuse to ever give again, others give a 10% “tithe”, and others a simple offering whenever led. But what is the responsibility of believers who receive teaching/edification in their faith from a minister? And should pastors or other full-time ministers receive salaries in the first place?

The video deals with: (1) Is there biblical precedent for those in full-time ministry to get a salary from ministry. And (2) what is the financial responsibility of believers who receives teaching or edification from a minister.

While this teaching was from the perspective of “giving back” to those who have edified us in the faith, I would like to also remind you not to forsake the poor, the lost, the orphan and widow – who should also be cared for by the body of believers. We ought to take care of each other wherever there is a need. Whether this need is an orphan or a pastor, we ought to give with joy, as a gift to God.



1 thought on “╫ The Responsibility to Give: Is Tithing For Today?”

  1. Robert VanWijmeren

    PD, it took God to work with me to tithe. My conversion was in 2016 via encounter so I know 100% God raised Him from the grave and that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. With that said, I had to trust God with the money He gave me. Funny how it took a while to give my full tithe even after the encounter with Jesus. My flesh did not want to but the Holy Spirit worked with me, I was able to gi e the full tithe despite having a debt. Now God has my family is a position where we are not using credit anymore. The debt is there but are paying it off slowly. The car has now been paid off after He told us to leave Virginia. My house had equity and used the equity to make a ton of payments and payoffs to creditors. Trusting God with tithe is supposed to increase our trust in God!

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