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Does God speak OUTSIDE the Bible? – Dreams, Prophecy, Still Small Voice | HEARING GOD’S VOICE PART 1

Does God speak to us outside the Bible? Many believe He no longer does – that as the Biblical canon was established, there no longer remains a need for God to provide any ‘additional revelation.’ The Bible is sufficient, after all!

They also argue that if God indeed is speaking to some as they claim, then those words of God would need to be included in the Bible. It’s God’s words, after all!

And what about all the people who say “God told me”, when what God told them is inconsistent with the Bible?

Where you land on all of this will drastically affect your relationship with God. This is the first of two in-depth videos on Hearing the Voice of God



1 thought on “Does God speak OUTSIDE the Bible? – Dreams, Prophecy, Still Small Voice | HEARING GOD’S VOICE PART 1”

  1. William Livingstone

    Love it PD, excellent presentation! Really covered this topic well, with sound scripture backed examples. I am reminded of the verse in Nehemiah (Neh. 8:8) were Ezra the scribe had the Levites read the book of the law of Moses to all the people. They explained it and imparted insight – “Thus the people gained understanding from what was read.” (NET version). Well done, I am looking forward to Part Two!

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