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God gave me a dream about man’s corruption of deliverance

God is restoring His children’s bread back to them: Deliverance. He is teaching us how to deal with demons in the ways that Yeshua dealt with them. But it means some of us will need to be bold, uncompromising, and not fearful of man’s opinions when doing so. There are many “policies” that we have created to deal with people’s bondage, but some of these have been made as a compromise to the method of Yeshua. Deliverance is controversial! But sometimes the problem is a demon, and nothing else but casting them out will provide freedom.

Let us not place man-made solutions/”burdens on the shoulders of men” that will not actually help them, because we are unwilling to recognize that their issue really is demonic, and needs Yeshua’s method to get rid of them.



1 thought on “God gave me a dream about man’s corruption of deliverance”

  1. Has He taught you to fight with the sword yet? Telling the evil enemy to leave in his name yahusha which means Yahuah is salvation. Yahuah is deliverance. Telling them they’ll be judged harshly soon and an attack against the body of Messiah is an attack against Him. To go back to their dry arid places. To tell them what’s what and preach truth at them. The great rebuke. Telling them NO and quoting the scriptures appropriately to counterattack just like Messiah did when they tempted him to be weak or unloving or to ruin YAHS plans. By taking charge in this manner following his examples in blood and name and forgiveness and strength we are unstoppable. The mountains will move . Resit evil like this at it will flee. Just keep at it and thank yah for His victory and sharing the fruits of His victory and praise Him. And never let doubt give them an inch. If it ain’t “you”- it’s them. Every time. -Know you when you’re close to Him and see how refined gold you are, when you are willing to break your back while smiling- because its easy when spirit filled and golden hearted to do righteousness. Compare that version of you to not walking in the spirit and not being a good host of the holy Spirit and even the “you” that is in the flesh and lowly and unwilling… That’s a them influence… Better get right fast. Be the you He designed and operates in. Be like Messiah. Fight like Messiah. War like Messiah. Quote like Messiah.

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