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God, save Christianity – Prophetic Word

Pornography, pride, disunity & fruits of the flesh not only places our soul in danger, but our children are suffering for it. While we are distracted by what is happening outside, our homes lay in ruin. God is calling all believers to repentance from the sins we have allowed in, for judgment is coming on the household of God first.



2 thoughts on “God, save Christianity – Prophetic Word”

  1. William Livingstone

    Amein PD, let your prophetic words convict all who hear of sin, righteousness and judgement! My heart goes out to you my Brother. I have had a theme lately when I hear believers talk about others having problems. I tell them how many point the finger or feel “holier than though” like they are better. Or would not commit the sin another has, though they may sin another way just as bad or worse! What I always end up saying is what Rav Shual said. Compare yourself with yourself, not others. When we stand before the Righteous Judge, we will answer for ourselves, and not be bringing in anyone else by our side to blame. (I am also going to make a separate comment after this one that I feel is needed my Brother). My prayers are with you daily, let the Father lift up your head PD. I pray for strength and comforting for you regarding this serious problem. And for the leaders, parents and the children affected as well, I pray they are convicted. In Yehsua’s name I pray, Amein

  2. William Livingstone

    I hate to have to say this, but I am amazed at how FEW comments are left for these videos on this site. (This comment is totally unsolicited). How many hundreds and thousands watch these videos, and yet so few comments ever left. I know PD enough to know he works hard on these teachings. He is careful with his words and endeavors to only speak the Word and what is true. If we appreciate his and Christina’s efforts, we should have some encouragement or something to say. If you are impacted by these teachings and are thankful for them, leave them an uplifting comment. Or a word that edifies (iron sharpens iron). Can we remain silent when this Ministry is trying to do so much to reach out and help so many? Let us do are part and at least have something positive and encouraging to say. In Yeshua’s name I pray this, Amein.

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