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God Told Me… Or did He? – The Rise of ‘Words from God’, Dreams, Prophecy | HEARING GOD’S VOICE

It seems everyone believes they are ‘led by the Holy Spirit’ – yet why do they say the Spirit is telling them contradictory things? One of the most concerning realities of the modern church, is the prevalence of ‘Words from God’, that God never spoke. Relationships have been destroyed, false prophecies have been delivered, and some departed from the faith because of a ‘Word from God’ that He never spoke.

1. Why does it seem so common that Holy Spirit says different things to different people?
2. What are the pitfalls of mistaking God’s voice for our own?
3. If God speaks, how do we avoid becoming another casualty of false prophecy?
4. What about when “God Told Me” wasn’t God at all?
5. What is Satan’s Objective in all of this?




1 thought on “God Told Me… Or did He? – The Rise of ‘Words from God’, Dreams, Prophecy | HEARING GOD’S VOICE”

  1. William Livingstone

    Very well done PD! Once again you have covered this topic from many angles and with salient advice, backed up by the Word. Lots of great insight to give understanding of this important topic to those who have “ears to hear.” There a a lot of charlatans out there, and people need to use discernment. This exposes them and helps growing Believers to avoid the pitfalls of their deception. I must add much of the false “words” people espouse would not even be spoken if more had the fear of Yah. Deuteronomy 18:20 states “But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.” Are Eloah is the “same yesterday, today and forever.” Do we think He will change His stance on false prophets in our time now? As with Part 1, I look forward to part 3 Brother! Excellent job!

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