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Powerless religion is hurting the Body of Christ – The Letter kills, the Spirit gives life

Paul wrote that “The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.” While some of us have become skilled in explaining what his words do not imply, we have missed the key warning Paul is indeed delivering. This has been devastating for many. It has become acceptable to be considered religious while denying God’s power.

We consider radical love, unity and forgiveness as negotiable instead of inseparable from the meaning of ‘believer’. This all is now so serious that it is infiltrating and destroying fellowships.

The law is holy, but alone could not deliver Israel from sin. And history is repeating itself as some of God’s people live religiously while in bondage. But God is providing a solution.



2 thoughts on “Powerless religion is hurting the Body of Christ – The Letter kills, the Spirit gives life”

  1. William Livingstone

    Preach it PD! All the “messy antics” out there need to heed! Turn from the gossiping, the slander, the back biting. Humble yourselves, be a servant, be lowly and meek! Esteem others better than yourselves. Quit all the immature cliques, judging others unjustly (and many times without all the facts). Get along with your brothers and sisters who are just as much a child of Yah as you are! The Righteous Judge stands at the door! Beware, as He will come at an hour you know not. Don’t fall for the Evil Ones trickery, devouring one another. Owe each other the debt of love. Great message PD, it seems it needs to be repeated so often. Let’s all grow up and mature, so we don’t have to hear a reminder like this! Amein!

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