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Interpreting Dreams, Visions & the Still Small Voice | HEARING GOD’S VOICE

So if God is still speaking to His people, how do we recognize His ‘still small voice’? And what if what He seems to be telling us sounds confusing? Is that God, or are we imagining things?

If God is still giving dreams to people, what does the Bible teach us about dream interpretation? How do we learn to share what God is saying responsibly?

Join me in this new episode of Hearing God’s Voice, as we answer these questions and more!



1 thought on “Interpreting Dreams, Visions & the Still Small Voice | HEARING GOD’S VOICE”

  1. William Livingstone

    As with Parts 1 and 2, very well done PD! I like how you incorporated Spirit and Truth in your teaching, showing that both are necessary in all aspects of this important and much needed exhortation. I would add Brother that Peter’s vision not only showed the Father’s acceptance of those who were eating unclean, but accepting the Gentiles in general. Overall a great job on this subject, and it is my hope it will make Believers carefully consider if what they claim really is from Yah. And may it help the Body grow in every facet of how Elohim is speaking to His children!

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