╫ Circumcision of the Heart – Romans Series (Chapter 1-3)
Paul had to deal with many who were circumcised in flesh, but uncircumcised in heart. Those obsessed with their outward
Paul had to deal with many who were circumcised in flesh, but uncircumcised in heart. Those obsessed with their outward
God gives each generation a calling. When Israel had unbelief in the face of giants, the generation was disqualified from
When the sun shines it’s rays on us and we’re in a season of happiness, all is well and we
Ever wondered why Yeshua had to get baptized? Or the real purpose of baptism? The concept of baptism is mysterious.
OK guys, so I guess I should cut my hair? What does the Paul really mean in 1 Corinthians 11
“I thank God I’m not like other men” But what if I told you – Christians keep torah too. Wait,
Those who want it, were usually never meant to have it. God chose the unqualified, the least, the illiterate and
In many ways, men have tossed aside the voices of women. It has been believed that women are to “sit
When Isaac met Rebecca, God was behind it ALL. And what if God is still doing the same miracle today
Where’s the bride? It’s Shavuot in 2018 (Pentecost) and an outpouring is needed today more than ever. Many are living