╫ Feast of Sukkot: Your Wedding Rehearsal
He is pitching tent, will you join? Millions of believers all over the world are awakening to God’s festivals. We
He is pitching tent, will you join? Millions of believers all over the world are awakening to God’s festivals. We
Its judgement day, He separates, but what are you? ╫ Website: https://www.riseonfire.com ╫ Follow PD on: http://www.facebook.com/RiseOnFire http://www.twitter.com/RiseOnFireSA https://www.youtube.com/RiseOnFire Music:
Will the coming of Jesus really be as a thief in the night? You probably only know half of it.
Let each man esteem days as he sees fit! What did Paul really mean? ╫ Website: https://www.riseonfire.com ╫ Follow PD
Many have the Truth, many have the Spirit, but most are not walking in the fullness of both. God’s final
Did Paul nullify these instructions of the Father by his statement in Colossians? ╫ Website: https://www.riseonfire.com ╫ Follow PD on:
God does a mighty revival in the streets with healing. ╫ Website: https://www.riseonfire.com ╫ Follow PD on: http://www.facebook.com/RiseOnFire http://www.twitter.com/RiseOnFireSA https://www.youtube.com/RiseOnFire
Israel or Gentile – this will change your life forever. 9 Years ago, this was the teaching that changed my
Silence before the storm – I’m releasing some exciting things soon and I want to talk to you about it!
We’re just like Israel – We really don’t want to hear what God has to say, for one simple reason.