╫ The Sabbath Changed My Life
Many have said that God doesn’t care, but He changed my life with it. He rested on the 7th day
Many have said that God doesn’t care, but He changed my life with it. He rested on the 7th day
The Rise On Fire team heads out to Church Square and many encounters God through healing and deliverance! Learn how
We sometimes use God given roles as an excuse to disqualify ourselves of operating in different areas in God’s Kingdom.
Subscribe to our YouTube! The devils biggest weapon seeks to imprison us and deem us useless for use in God’s
Girl gets delivered from a demon and pain right there on the streets of Pretoria! Darkness trembles in the name
Am I worthy? Who am I? Why am I on this Earth? What is my role? Pd speaks about our
PD explains the internal battle between the carnal mind (flesh) and the Spirit. How do we overcome those thoughts of:
Why isn’t the church manifesting God’s power? Part of a series of upcoming teachings key to understanding who you are
PD and Dehan head into the streets of Pretoria and bumps into a construction worker complaining about serious back pain.
The story of how God took over a school in the Free State with revival and healing, when PD &