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Sealed with the Holy Spirit: God’s INCREDIBLE grace revealed

One of the enemy’s greatest deceptions is convincing believers that God has abandoned them, ignored them, or no longer cares. But it’s time for us all to discern the voices – our thoughts, people’s thoughts, and Satan’s thoughts – only God’s thoughts matter. We must fully understand and believe what He thinks of us, for that is our identity.

When He seats us in heavenly places with Him in Christ, we must believe it. When He seals us with His Holy Spirit as a guarantee, we must believe it. When He calls us and gives us power over the impossible, we must believe it. There’s a war going on right now, trying to stop you from believing it.

Recognizing and believing in your Heavenly Identity will set you free from living a split-identity with one foot in the world. Let’s put an end to that.



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