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The Asbury Revival exposed a Religious Spirit – This is serious! (LIVE)

The Asbury event has stirred much controversy, even causing a divide within the Body of Christ regarding its authenticity. While discussion can be healthy, could we be in the process of witnessing God exposing an underlying religious spirit operating among us? If He is cleansing His threshing floor, we need to make sure we are found working for the right Kingdom.



1 thought on “The Asbury Revival exposed a Religious Spirit – This is serious! (LIVE)”

  1. William Livingstone

    Once again you hit the nail on the head PD! Very balanced and with humility my Brother! Truly people need to watch their words while also judging rightly, and we really need to look at our own selves! If any are offended, they must ask their self why they would be as you are the real deal and down to earth. Excellent commentary my Brother! Hallelu-Yah! Amein!

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