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The Coming Upside Down Kingdom: The least & greatest will not be who we expect

Yeshua told us what the coming New Kingdom will be like, but are we already walking that kingdom out on Earth? Are we treating who will be greatest in the coming kingdom as the greatest today? Perhaps most surprisingly, Yeshua describes the “greatest” in the coming Kingdom to be whom we least expect.



2 thoughts on “The Coming Upside Down Kingdom: The least & greatest will not be who we expect”

  1. William Livingstone

    Excellent PD! Along the same lines, it reminds me of Rav Shual telling us to “compare ourselves with ourselves”, not with others. Everyone is out to “get”. But it is really they who give that “get” in the long run and in the end. We need to “esteem others better than ourselves”. You bring the Master’s teaching home my brother, it is the “Spirit of the Law” that brings life. A heart of Love, Amein!

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