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The Spiritual Sukkot War of Israel & Gaza 2023 – LIVE

What is happening in the Middle-East is not just another war of flesh & blood, but between principalities of higher powers fighting over the souls of men. It is the manifestation of the battle in the heavens, the great war of our age. Is this the end of the world? What does it mean for the future? How is Jesus calling His followers to respond? We must be aware of the pitfalls surrounding this issue & pick up our spiritual armor.

Join PD live Thursday night at 8PM EST



2 thoughts on “The Spiritual Sukkot War of Israel & Gaza 2023 – LIVE”

  1. This has either got to happen or the Bible is not true. When we are praying for Messiah’s return as king. Jerusalem, itself needs to be taken over, so that Judah will have to invade it. Zechariah 14. Until Israel destroys the evil that they were supposed to destroy centuries ago, Messiah and the Holy City will not be restored. Every century that goes by, the evil multiplies and becomes harder to wipe out.

  2. PD listening to you speak truth comforting during this difficult period.
    We have been attending zoom prayer time twice a day since the start.

    I am surprised each time I lined up with you.

    Thank you for putting me in a goon track

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