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THIS WILL BE DIFFERENT: Things to know about the next Holy Spirit Outpouring! (PROPHETIC MESSAGE)

There have been many movements throughout history where God poured out His Spirit over His people. But I believe God is doing something different from anything in thousands of years. He is restoring Spirit AND Truth worship to His people. That means not repeating the errors of generations before. We will have balance, we will have order, we will have holiness, we will have integrity, all while not quenching His Holy Spirit!



2 thoughts on “THIS WILL BE DIFFERENT: Things to know about the next Holy Spirit Outpouring! (PROPHETIC MESSAGE)”

  1. William Livingstone

    PD, watched your video and moved to tears my Brother (and YES, you DID prophesy! Amein!). My wife sent it to 20 contacts. Your work is not in vain and I know you have humility and meekness, the fear of Yah. Always praying for you guys, the real deal! Yah is using you mightily! Hallelu-Yah!

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