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Words of Knowledge – Spiritual Gift Series (Comprehensive Teaching)


Jesus astonished the people when He told them what they were thinking, when He told a Samaritan woman about her past partners, or when He saw Nathanael under the tree. But it didn’t stop with Him. His disciples and the early church also continued in the gift, according to the Bible.

In this comprehensive teaching, we will discover:
1. What are ‘Words of Knowledge’?
2. Biblical Examples
3. Practical Examples
4. Practical Guidance (how to exercise)
5. Cautions & Warnings

This is the Spiritual Gifts Series – The Spirit Filled Believers Practical Guide
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2 thoughts on “Words of Knowledge – Spiritual Gift Series (Comprehensive Teaching)”

  1. PD!
    Thanks for all the teachings presented in humility, with a deep understanding and very respectfully.
    I‘ve so far never found a situation in Scripture where an individual SPOKE/PRAYED to the Holy (God‘s) spirit. Could you elaborate on that point?!?
    Thanks again and blessings.

    1. Shalom Martin. Glad to hear the teaching blessed you.

      The early believers saw the Holy Spirit and the Father as one God, therefore they did in that sense pray to the Holy Spirit. But you are right that the Father is commonly addressed in the written public prayers we have recorded. This is expected. But this does not mean that no one spoke to the Holy Spirit in their personal prayers, even if by another title such as “Lord.”

      If the Holy Spirit speaks to us, it would not be wrong to also respond to the Holy Spirit. When the Spirit spoke to Peter, he responded “Lord… I have not eaten anything common or unclean”

      Since there is no commandment against asking something of the Holy Spirit, it is not wrong. In this, we can do as we are led, we are either way praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

      I’d also conclude with, we should remember to pray the “Lord’s Prayer.”

      Hope this helps

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