What kills God’s enemies, saves God’s people: Shadrach, Meshach, and the Baptism of Fire
God’s holy nature is at odds with the wicked deeds that currently plagues mankind. And in all His might and
God’s holy nature is at odds with the wicked deeds that currently plagues mankind. And in all His might and
Sometimes we can become impatient with people who’s slow to “get” the revelation God has revealed to us. But at
From one extreme to the next. It is true that some are too quick to consider almost everything a demon,
Some of us are tossing & turning at night, thinking back on how things use to be in our relationship
Deliverance has become a very polarizing topic, and sometimes for good reason. The fear of demons exists in some circles,
Watch this discussion from the recent Rise Up Conference where PD & Pastor Tom Campbell of The Vineyard Fellowship have
Witchcraft in plain sight? A scientific experiment was conducted where people were given hallucinogenic drugs and encouraged to engage with
1 Week Ago, God told me this about the Israel-Gaza War. Join us as we keep Israel & all of
What is happening in the Middle-East is not just another war of flesh & blood, but between principalities of higher
In the garden, there was a tithe. While God gave mankind an entire garden to enjoy, one tree was to
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